Enterprise Europe Network - East of England

Whether you need help finding a business partner or need information on EU legislation, funding or market opportunities, the Enterprise Europe Network is the place to start.

We can help you access an extensive business and innovation network made up of almost 600 partner organisations in more than 50 countries in Europe and beyond.

Enterprise Europe Network East of England is hosted by Exemplas Ltd and covers the counties of Hertfordshire, Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire, Suffolk, Norfolk and Essex.

If you are not based in the East of England you can find you local Network contact at the UK portal website: www.enterprise-europe.net

Enterprise Europe Network organises and co-organises events, seminars and workshops on a range of different subjects.

Event organiser

Enterprise Europe Network - East of England
Exemplas Holdings Ltd
4 Bishops Square, Business Park
AL10 9NE
United Kingdom

0845 641 9955
Email | Website